Assessments - Hide Students Scores Until Released
Bailey Pendley
Still hoping here in 2023 that Otus can add the feature to delay/schedule the release of grades and comments for an assessment. Instead of the automatic release that currently happens.
Stephanie Baeza, UX Researcher
Merged in a post:
Gradebook - Hide Grades from Student/Parent Gradebook
Monica Burke
I would like to be able to hide grades from the gradebook in student/parent accounts until I am ready to release them.
Stephanie Baeza, UX Researcher
Merged in a post:
Schedule Later Release of Grade on Assessment
Amanda Von Der Lohe
I would love to have the option to schedule the release of students' grade for any assessment type. Or perhaps save a "save for later" option. This way, I could enter grades but release them to all students at the same time. For example, grading essays for five classes takes several days, and I'd rather release the scores all at once instead of some students having to wait longer than their peers. Thanks!
CS Otus Team
From Cara Chandler at RCSD: we teachers arent always able to grade full classes at the same time/day- so for equity on feedback is hard to then release feedback to some kids and not all while also hard to need to have a full block of time to grade the entire class- which isn't how it happens, unfortunately!
Jim Hudson
During the set up of assigning the assessment, could you set up a window of time to review? If I'm a middle school teacher and have 4 classes taking the same assessment throughout the day, I don't want my last period to get answer information from the other students who already took the test. Giving me the option to "reveal" the correct answers at a particular time would be the best practice.
Meagan Reed
If you add a written response question that it cannot autoscore, it won't score them. A total pain, but that's our workaround here at school if we don't want them seeing the score. We sometimes use a work upload too to do it.
Christopher Hull
under review